100 Mile Windsor Essex Peninsula

Welcome to the Windsor Essex Peninsula

Formed in mid-2008 by the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce, Greater Windsor Home Builders’ Association and Windsor-Essex County Real Estate Board, the Windsor-Essex Active Retirement Community Initiative is a not-for-profit cooperative marketing partnership. Our mission is to attract investment, create new jobs and revitalize the real estate market throughout Windsor-Essex by building on the region’s growing development of active retirement luxury properties and services, and by promoting the unique location, diverse lifestyle and quality amenities of its nine communities.

WEARCI’s goal in establishing the WindsorEssex ‘100 Mile’ Peninsula Club is to provide a foundation for new residents age 50-plus who have recently relocated to the WindsorEssex region, with an opportunity to utilize their broad range of skills and experience for the purpose of developing sustainable programs that encourage and inspire volunteerism, active lifestyles, social inclusion, knowledge sharing and the ongoing attraction of new, active adult residents.

The mission of the ‘100 Mile’ Peninsula Club is to build a volunteer organization throughout the nine communities of WindsorEssex with a designated representative from each municipality (nine volunteer representatives). The representative will serve as the primary liaison between their respective municipality and WEARCI, the age 50-plus relocated families residing in that municipality and stakeholders. One volunteer representing the ‘100 Mile’ Peninsula Club will be invited to sit on the WEARCI board.

‘100 Mile’ Peninsula Club members will serve as volunteer ambassadors for their specific communities and the WindsorEssex region in general, welcoming prospective age 50-plus residents, offering experiential information and personal tours if desired. Volunteers will conduct follow-up to discovery visits, provide representation on behalf of WEARCI at mature lifestyle events and offer ‘in-person’ testimonials with a goal to increase relocation to the WindsorEssex region.

The ‘100 Mile’ Peninsula Club members will foster an environment of friendship, encourage social engagement, active lifestyle participation, community volunteering and promotion of the WindsorEssex region and its nine communities as an ideal retirement destination for the age 50-plus demographic: boomers, the semi-retired and active retirees.

The ‘100 Mile’ Peninsula Club will hold quarterly seminars, media events and an annual signature event / community fundraiser to re-enforce the social and economic significance of the mature lifestyle demographic in the region and bring together the area’s growing population of new retiree families to promote health and wellness, active living, volunteerism, and a sense of community.