9 Signs You’re in Love With Your House

You know you’re in love with your house when:

1. You can’t wait to see it at the end of the day. In fact, you catch yourself daydreaming about being there.

2. You have trouble sleeping when you’re away too long, and your own bed is the only place you want to be by the time you return.

3. You sometimes put its needs ahead of your own – like cleaning the gutters instead of watching the game.

4. You manage to return from most shopping trips with at least one item just for the house. “Those outdoor lights would look great on the garage.” Sound familiar?

5. You seem to have more photos of all the great projects you’ve completed than you do of the people who live there.

6. You lose track of time on the weekends and sometimes stay there for days at a time.

7. You do everything you can to protect it because you would be devastated if anything bad ever happened to it.

8. You appreciate every one of its quirks. The creaking floors might bother someone else, but they make you feel like the house is happy you’re there.

9. You feel the chemistry, but you can’t explain it. It just feels like home – plain and simple.